New Mobile Phone Accessory
Deep dive research and Concept developpemnt for Sony Ericsson Accessories
About Project
The aim of this project was to improve the product strategy for Sony Ericsson Accessories for the years 2010-2012 and present Product proposals that are focused on the user who is listening to wireless wearable media (music/voice/video/game) and who will be operating this content during mobile use. Extensive user research was done for the project and incorporated techniques like cultural probes, generative sessions, user interviews, and focus groups to analyze user behaviors.
Generative Research
Project Process
Vision in Product Design (VIP)
VIP process enabled in identifying unique experience opportunities
Solution Details
The results of these were translated into personas, design directions, interaction vision and product concepts using the vision in product design (ViP) methodology. Acceptability by the user was the main aspect of this project which required understanding of core requirements of the user to separate them into new phone accessories with basic function. This was group project done for the course Integral design project in collaboration with the development unit of Sony Ericsson Accessories. This part only mentions the user research and analysis phase of the project.