Sustainable Toy
Competition winner - Promoting recycling in kids
About Project
The sustainable toy is constructed from used paper cups and rubber-bands. It mainly consists of two modules as shown in the images below. These can be connected to each other to create complex structures. The toy supports the construction play activity among kids from 3yrs and above. The toy promotes kids to collect cups for construction of complex structures thus promoting recycling and sustainability in them. The simple nature of the toy makes it possible for them to create and construct the toy themselves.
Construction Elements
Diffrent Constructions
The toy was developed for Sustainable toy competition conducted in Industrial design department at Technical university of Delft. The aim was to develop a toy from scrap material that will promote aspects sustainability whilst providing scope for creativity in kids from bottom of the pyramid countries. The idea to prototype for this toy was developed within 4 hrs. The said concept was adjudged as the competition winner.